Thursday, June 30, 2011

ISPF - TIP #020

Here is another tip on ISPF 3.4 option.
From the ISPF 3.4 option listing, I can directly Edit/Browse/view the member without listing all the members and then select the particular member.
To do that, In the Line command issue, E / (member)use for Browse (B) and view (V) Command - Enter "/" to select action Message Volume

ISPF - TIP #019

I have data which is of length 160. For some reasons, I want to wrap the data in each record to 80characters and have the next 80 characters in the next line. So basically what I am looking for is ,“Is there command similar to Wordwrap (as in Notepad or MS WORD) in mainframe?”
Yes, with ISPF, one can wrap the data as required.To do that,
1.Open the dataset in ISPF EDIT mode.
2.In the first line, issue the line command: TF80 (as in this case I want to wrap to 80 chars perline)
3.All the subsequent lines will wrap to 80 chars per line.

ISPF - TIP #018

Is there an easy way to search a member in Multiple PDS?


Go to 3.4 (where all the datasets will be displayed) .

In the Command line type ==> M memname. For example: M sortpgm

This command will not work for the migrated PDS.

So ensure all the PDS are inDisk.Now the message "MEMBER(S): memname found" will apppear in the right side ofthe panel.

ISPF - TIP #017

I have to compare one input file field with one output file field.
The input file field in is column1 to 10 and the output file field is in column 40 to 50.
How can I do it?
1. Use the standard 3.13 ISPF option. In the same screen itself, in the command line issue, E
2. then type,
3. press PF3 and exit
4.In the New dataset , type in the output dataset
5. In the Old dataset , type in the input dataset

ISPF - TIP #016

Here is a one simple one.....

I want to search a string like 'abc' (including quote).In my pgm there may be more abc strings.

But i don't want to retrieve all of them.i need the abc enclosed with quotes.

How to search is in 3.14 option?


In the ISPF 3.14 , search with ‘’’abc’’’ string.(i.e. with 3 quotes at both sides of the string)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Abend s322!!

Abend is a error that happens while we are running a job. There are so many abends which may come when we are running a job. This article discusses about the Abend code s322.

Abend s322 occurs when the job doesn't end within the given CPU time. CPU time is the time which we specify in the TIME attribute of a job card.

For example, if we give TIME =(5,0) i.e 5 minutes and 0 seconds. If the job doesn't end within 5 minutes, then Abend 322 will occur as a result of it.


To avoid this Abend, always specify TIME=NOLIMIT in the job card. This will allow the job to take the maximum CPU time to complete a job.

Friday, June 10, 2011

ISPF - TIP #015

Tired of typing the often-used datasets repeated?
1 Enter KEYS in the command line,KEYS window will popup
2 Set any key to NRETRIEV and exit
3 Now when you are in 3.4 or whichever screen you have set the KEYS option, press theassigned PF keys.
4. Pressing them repeated will bring up one-by-one the last 30 accessed datasets from the reflist

ISPF - TIP #014

When I issue CUT , I know that the CUT content are placed in a clipboard.
And when I issue PASTE, the clipboard content are pasted.
But is it possible for me to view/edit the clipboard ?
One can view the clipboard after any valid CUT command was issued.
To view the clipboard, issue : CUT DISPLAY.
Clipboard manager will pop up and gives us options to edit or browse thecontent.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ISPF - TIP #013

How can You find the changes you have made lastly (without getting out of the screen) ?
Well, here is one simple command line command to achieve this
Solution: COMP * X

ISPF - TIP #012

Here is a tip by which you can avoid ISPF 3.4 Option.
To Open a PS or PDS member, we usually use ISPF 3.4 to open in EDIT or BROWSE MODE.
Here is one way where one can open PS or PDS member in EDIT/VIEW/BROWSE mode from any command line.
Thus, we can avoid using 3.4 option.
Solution: EPDF ‘MYID.MYPS’ .
The Dataset will be opened in EDIT MODEIf you want to open in VIEW mode:
Similarly, for opening in BROWSE mode, type BROWSE at the end.

ISPF - TIP #011

If you want to edit a member, which has TAB as a middle string in the PDS SAMPLE.MYPDS.
One shortcut way is to in the ISPF 3.4 listing of the PDS,issue S *TAB* E in the command line.
If we don’t use E at the end, it will open in browse mode.